Friday, April 17, 2009

What are the characteristics of both... good or bad?


- “If it isn’t broke…”

- The three main reasons people go into teaching: JUNE, JULY, AUGUST

- Staff have greater opportunity to continue their education during summer

- New York State Board of Regents study concluded that disadvantaged students have 27% more summer learning loss than their more affluent classmates

- Time is built in for summer sport, band, and activity camps; student (and even staff) employment;


- Shortened summer vacation/intersessions

- School Days/Intersessions – 45/10, 45/15,
60/20, 90/30

- Allow time for remediation, tutoring, enrichment during intersessions instead of summer school

- Necessitate facility upgrades (air conditioning)

- Staff and student burnout may be averted with more frequent, longer breaks

- More flexible opportunity for off-peak family vacation and travel

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